Zoology thematic units for preschool

Lions, tigers and bears - Oh My! There probably is no better unit of study for young children than the study of animals. Find animal lesson plans here with animal units on insects, fish, reptiles, mammals, ocean animals, birds, amphibians and more.
Zoology not only is the study of animals but also of the environments they live in. Lesson plans can be very interesting when studying animals according to their geographic locations too! Download and print month-long lesson plans on jungle animals, forest animals, ocean animals, swamp and marsh animals, desert animals and more.
Doing a unit on Africa? Australia? Asia? Track down lesson plans to print out and accompany your already set, month-long curriculum with animal units specific to countries like African Animals, Australian Animals, Asian Animals, so on and so forth.
Celebrate every season with animals with Arctic Animal Units for Winter, with Bird Units for Spring and so on and so forth. Other animal units include: Farm Animals, Baby Animals, Endangered Animals and more!