
132 Pages of Arctic Animal Preschool Fun!


Children love to learn about animals and this month-long thematic unit plan for young children contains 132 pages of downloadable and printable materials to incorporate a full-curriculum of Arctic Animal fun into your classroom or at home.

Included in these pages are Snowflake Cut Out Chains to decorate the Classroom, Arctic Animal Posters and Arctic Animal Table Mat Activity - Land or Water? The Unit Plan includes all kind of printable worksheets for making Bingo Cards, 3-part Vocabulary Cards of Different Arctic Animal Birds, Mammals and Sea Animals, Arctic Animal Fraction Cut-Out Activity for how long certain Arctic Animals live on land versus how long on water? Glue & Paste Arctic Animal Habitat Activity - Land or Water? Penguin Number Tracing and Arctic Animal Popsicle Puppets. All instructions for assembly and usage are included.

For a preview of this product click on LittleLearner's TeachersPayTeachers website to view specific pages within the set.