News & Views
Up-to-date news and information in ECE

Find all the latest, best and most relevant information in the field of early childhood education here. Find and read about the issues that are the most important to you in education, for both teaching and parenting children ages 3-6.
Draw from leading professionals, pioneers in education, important websites and journals and sift through important information related to all things preschool in our news and views section.
The National Institute for Early Education Research (NIEER),The Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University, the National Association for the Education of Young Children, The National Association for Child Development are but only a few of the important organizations that educators will find information from and summarized on our site.
Read recaps of important press releases and research developments in news, research and politics in education. Draw from important childhood journals and websites like The Huffington Post, Education Week and in European Early Childhood Education Research Journal (one of the most prestigious research journals in early childhood education in the world) in one, small step.
Not only enrich the lives of children by what you teach but by how much you strive to learn. Enhance a child's life, physically, cognitively and socially by keeping up-to-date and interested in understanding and nurturing the young child.
The National Association for the Education of Young Children is the largest organization in the world devoted to enriching the lives of children. The National Association for Child Development is another valuable resource for educators to draw from.
Get advice and suggestions on many topics from learning styles to classroom management to childhood development and special needs. Find resources related to politics and policy in education, and much, much more. is another important website and online journal for educators that in 2011 won the award for 'the best independent specialty news site'. Keep excited, keep engaged - for those in the profession and at home with little ones - learning can be just as rewarding as teaching!
Professionals can also keep in the loop with regularly posted information from The National Education Association (NEA), the largest professional employee organization in public education. With 3 million members from every level of education in the United States, news related specifically to preschool-aged children can be found here.